

Calm Kids Counselling provides your child with a safe, warm empathetic space. Sharon uses a gentle combination of Play Based Therapy, Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to provide your child with the tools to develop positive coping skills.

Walk and Talk Counselling is available for those children who may benefit from a more natural and soothing physical space. These sessions can be well suited to children who struggle with eye contact, sitting still or being in enclosed spaces. Being in nature helps our nervous system unwind and relax and can be meditative and grounding.

Counselling may include:

  • Anger management 

  • Anxiety

  • Behaviour management

  • Depression

  • Emotional regulation 

  • Self esteem

  • Social skills

  • Loss and Grief

Animal Assisted Therapy

Artemis (Arte) is a Certified Therapy Dog; she loves interacting with children in the sessions. Arte has completed her training and Certification at Lead the Way Institute.  

Arte is used to complement and enhance group therapy and individual therapy.                                                                   

Some benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy include:

  • Animals help teach empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills

  • The presence of animals can assist to build the therapeutic relationship with the children

  • Patting an animal has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure, lower anxiety and lessen stress.  

Animal Assisted Therapy may include:

  • Social Skills

  • Anxiety

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Friendships and bullying

  • Dog Phobias

Follow Arte’s adventures here:

Peaceful Kids

‘Peaceful Kids’ is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. The program gives children the skills, practice and support to utilize coping strategies that lessen the symptoms of anxiety and stress and to build resilience.  The program includes parental involvement and commitment to support the strategies at home.  

Aims of the program

  • To minimise the symptoms of anxiety and stress

  • To build emotional resilience 

  • To empower children to self-manage their anxiety

  • To teach children Mindfulness exercises they can use for life

  • To build a reservoir of strength to enable children to cope with life more effectively

  • To minimise anxiety symptoms occurring in the future

  • For children to use a range of effective coping strategies

  • Teaches children how to self-calm

  • To develop emotional intelligence skills

  • Teaches children life long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up​

  • Supports children so they know they are not alone with suffering from anxiety​

Peaceful Kids is an 5-8 week educational program for children

Sessions are 60 mins each week 

Peaceful Kids is a small group program (Max 6 kids)

Sessions include learning a range of mindfulness strategies, meditations and positive psychology exercises.

LEGO® Based Therapy

‘Brick Club’

LEGO® – Based Therapy was developed by neuropsychologist Dr LeGoff (2004).  Initially aimed at children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it has also been found to benefit many children with communication and social developmental difficulties (LeGoff, 2014). 

Brick Club is a play-based approach to encourage the development of social skills and communication. It is a fun and motivating therapy program. The program helps support skills such as sharing, turn taking, collaboration, conflict resolution and verbal and non-verbal communication. 

Benefits of LEGO® – Based Therapy:

  • Reduces frequency and intensity of maladaptive behaviours

  • Improves critical thinking

  • Improves and promotes social communication & interaction

  • Builds and helps to maintain friendships

  • Improves confidence and emotional wellbeing in the participant

  • Improves social competence

  • Increases sense of belonging

  • Improves teamwork

  • Improves adaptability and coping skills

  • Promotes collaborative problem solving

  • Develops fine motor skills

  • Develops memory skills

  • Improves concentration

  • Develops language concepts

Brick Club is an 8-10 week program for children

Sessions run for 60-90mins each week

Brick club is a small group program (2-4 kids)